The Radiospurs RF Toolbox Site

A Welcome

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RF Broadcasting is an extremely wide topic, impossible to cover on such a small website, so here we concentrate on technical aspects: There are calculators for power combiners, microwave components, propagation analysis, RF filters.

The RDS generator is an innovative symbolic modulation design, easily extended to the new V2.0 RDS. Then there is the fully digital stereo generator based upon the Analog Sharc series DSP.

The Filters toolbox allows a wide range of passive filters to be designed, Butterworth, Chebychev, Bessel, Linear Phase, Elliptic. I rather like the Chebychev type 11 as a harmonic filter. The Microwave Filters cover interdigital, side coupled, capacitive end coupled.

There is a specific site for RF propagation analysis using the Longley Rice algoritms with a few later updates. Covering the civilised world pt to pt and broadcast analysis can be carried out.

Having got the propagation results, these is a a selection of calculators for antennae of popular use, Yagi, Log Yagi, Horns, Helix