This is a site dedicated to the design of lumped element filters. There is coverage for Low Pass Filter design of Butterworth, Bessel, Chebychev Type 1 and Type 11, Elliptic (odd and even), Papoulis, Guassian, Linear Phase Filters
We cover synthesis and analysis, ideal, real, standardised components. Graphs for loss, phase, group delay, rho, smith.
Power analysis involves defining an excitation power. The component voltages, currents and power dissapation for real components are calculated. Graphs give the real and reactive voltages and current with frequency. Very usefull for avoiding chisping in that broadcast filter.
This is a site dedicated to the design of microwave components. Microwave combiners are covered in the dedicated combiner site.
Coaxial and related: circular and rectangular.
Microstrip: synthesis and analysis, loss and Ereff with frequency, single dielectric, suspended, choice of substrate from a catalog.
Stripline: classic homogeneous, slabline, powerline, both sythesis and analysis, choice of substrate from a catalog.
Parallel Couplers: Single stage parallel couplers in microstrip, stripline, slabline, broadside, cpw. Analysis andf sythesis with choice of substrate from a catalog. Graphs of loss, phase, rho, smith with frequency. Odd even mode compensation.
Stepped Line Transformer: Microstrip stepped line transformers, ideal and with step compensation. Graphs of loss, phase, rho, smith with frequency.
This is a site dedicated to the design of microwave filters and couplers.
Interdigital filters: Design and analysis of quarter wave filters both Butterworth and Chebychev type 1 bandpass. Graphs for loss, group delay, rho, smith.
Microstrip Parallel Coupled Filters: Design and analysis, choice of substrate from a catalog. Graphs for loss, group delay, rho, smith.
Microstrip Gap Coupled Filters: Design and analysis, choice of substrate from a catalog. Graphs for loss, group delay, rho, smith.
Multistep Parallel Couplers: Custom for arbitrary designs both symettrical and asymettrical, classical symettrical U couplers, classical asymettrical couplers, inverted U symettrical. Choice of microstrip substrate from a catalog. Graphs for loss, group delay, rho and smith.
This is a site dedicated to the design of various type of power combiners.
Wilkinson: Classic single stage 2:1, input/output synthesis and analysis. Graphs of combined power, rho, smith, isolation and dissapation under various load fault conditions. Choice of substrate for microstrip designs.
Triway coupler: using lumped elements, with or without an integrated low pass filter.
Quadway coupler: An inline clasis with 2:2:1 and 4: 1 inline designs.
Hybrid: classical 3db hybrid from lumped elements for power designs. Synthesis, analysis, power dissapation. Grpahs for combined power, phase, rho, smith. Component voltages and currents.
Power components: Capacitors and inductors for power designs.
This is a site dedicated to propagation analysis using the Longley Rice Equations and anxilary propagation function.
A suitable area of the world is choosen. The location of the transmitter choosen. A suitable end point for a link is choosen by switching between the general map mode and terrain maps.
Switching to the Link mode the transmitter aand receiver parameters are used for a link analysis. Switch to the Broadcast mode for a coverage analysis, including selection of popular antennae.
Propagation analysis using the classical, Friis, Egli, Line of Sight, EIRP, Free space, Sensitivity, Great circle, Fresnel Zone analysis methods.
Power pads: Phi and T resistive power pads. Design analysis. Dissapation, voltages, currents, power when the drive power is supplied.
Waveguide: A dimension table for standard rectangular and circular waveguides.
Meteorology: Understand the weather forecast.
This is a sub site of the propagation analysis site.
The Yagi_Uda set of wires is analysed, radiation patterns plotted. Both Normal Yagi a nd Log Yagi, complete with radiation patterns.
Various Horn designs. The E plane horn, H plane horn, Pyramid horn, conical horn. Completed with radiation patterns.
The Helical antenna. The Axial, Hansen-Woodyard and Normal formats can be designed. Completed with radiation patterns.
This is a site dedicated FM broadcast equipment.
Stereo Encoder: A pure digital stereo encoder using an asynchronous DSP sample loop.
RDS Encoder: A pure digital rds encoder using a novel symbolic modulator.
SNMP: A discussion and description of SNMP software for monitoring and control of FM transmitters.
Software: Various components for incorporation in a software mixer.